Hello again from Tradeling.com, after calm weeks, this week was full of trends, so let's start

  • Cloud giant AWS, started competing with google in the location based services field with the announcement of Amazon Location Service. They used data from already well established firms ESRI and HERE Technologies. The big question is will they be capable of continuing in this field?
  • More disappointing privacy steps from WhatsApp as they changed their privacy policy, to allow for sharing more data with their parent company Facebook and with no option to opt out, it's mandatory now.
  • Although misconfiguration is one of the OWASP Top 10, it's still effective and security is on the surface again as Nissan source code leaked due to misconfiguration.


  • NodeJS 15.5.1: This is a security patch, it closes high severity vulnerabilities, and was backported for LTS versions, so 14.15.4, 12.20.1 were also released. The vulnerabilities include use-after-free in TLSWrap and HTTP Request Smuggling. If you run NodeJS in production, be sure to update your version.
  • NextJs 10.0.5: Vercel released a new patch release with enhancements and fixes.

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