Edition: Week 4, November, 2020

Microsoft Announces Typescript 4.1

  • Something cool is  Template Literal Types
type Car = "Car";

type CarType = `Sports ${Car}`;
// same as
//   type CarType = "Sports Car";
Announcing TypeScript 4.1 | TypeScript
Today we’re proud to release TypeScript 4.1! If you’re unfamiliar with TypeScript, it’s a language that builds on JavaScript by adding syntax for type declarations and annotations. This syntax can be used by the TypeScript compiler to type-check our code, and then output clean readable JavaScript th…

Prettier 2.2 Released

This release supports new JavaScript parsers espree and meriyah, supports TypeScript 4.1........

Prettier 2.2: new JavaScript parsers, TS 4.1 and ESM standalone bundles · Prettier
This release supports new JavaScript parsers [espree](https://github.com/eslint/espree) and [meriyah](https://github.com/meriyah/meriyah), supports [TypeScript 4.1](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-4-1-rc/…


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The most powerful screen recorder & annotation tool for Chrome 🎥 - alyssaxuu/screenity

Bonus: Nintendo love for OSS?

I might have missed something big, so feel free to suggest in comment section. See you next week.